(Brussels, Wednesday 24 October) As Lithuania reaches the mid-point of its European Union (EU) presidency, Amnesty International will meet ministers in Vilnius on Friday 25 October. We will discuss Lithuania’s progress in implementing our recommendations to promote human rights within and beyond EU borders. And we will hear from Lithuanian ministers on further action to be taken before the Greek presidency in January 2014. Amnesty International will publish its evaluation report on Monday 28 October.
Nicolas Beger, director of Amnesty International’s European Institutions Office, will be available for interviews in Vilnius. Natacha Kazatchkine, expert on human rights in the EU, will be available for interviews in Brussels.
Amnesty International has urged the Lithuanian presidency to strengthen human rights and the rule of law within the EU, with a particular but not exclusive focus on: changing European migration policy to prevent further loss of life of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers; ensuring accountability for European involvement in CIA rendition and secret detention programmes; promoting effective Roma integration measures; and preventing and combating violence against women. EU support for these measures is vital if it is to uphold its role as a credible human rights actor.