Commissioner Füle stressed that redressing the credibility and impartiality of the state institutions in Moldova was an absolute priority, as in any country their politicisation is a threat to political stability and is a root cause of corruption. "We discussed the need to reform democratic institutions, to put in place systemic checks and balances and strengthening both of them," he said and added: "Politicians in Moldova also need to focus on sustainability of the reforms and overcoming of the polarisation of the society with transparent and inclusive policies."
Commissioner Füle noted that the EU is also taking lessons learnt very seriously and its support to Moldova will depend on how seriously the politicians take the lessons learnt. With Mr Ghimpu he also discussed the finalisation of the negotiations of the Association Agreement with Moldova and the shared ambition to initial the text at the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius on 29 November. The Commissioner underlined that all political leaders, including in the constructive opposition, should engage in explaining to the public what does the Association agreement mean and what benefits it brings to the country and its people. For that it is important that all stakeholders are properly informed about the text of this agreement.
mercredi 3 juillet 2013
Moldova: Role of Opposition in explaining Association Agreement
(Strasbourg 2 July) Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle met with chairman of the Liberal Party of the Republic of Moldova Mihai Ghimpu in Strasbourg today. They exchanged views on the developments in Moldova in the aftermath of the recent political crisis and the importance to take the lessons learnt.
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